Aluminum Road Long (III)

2022-03-22 click:36

in the distance, a man slowly walked up to Lao Li and Xiao Liu, only to find that he was an out-and-out Caucasian. The two looked at each other almost defenselessly, and the other also guarded against them.

"Xiao Liu, can you speak that English." Lao Li asked Xiao Liu in a low voice.

"Well, my English is not very good either. Forget it, I'll try to communicate with him. It's not a problem to stare at him like this." Xiao Liu pretended to be daring and went out, ready to negotiate with each other.

each other a mouth, liu directly dumbfounded. What he said Xiao Liu did not understand at all, but he could understand what he meant. After Xiao Liu and Lao Li talked, Lao Li tried and the two sides could really communicate without obstacles.

, through some negotiation, Xiao Liu learned that it was indeed the 19th century, and it happened to be the reign of Emperor Napoleon III. However, the Frenchman is now going to the city to buy some materials. Lao Liu and Xiao Li discussed and prepared to follow the Frenchman to the city to have a look.

"Xiao Liu, do you think this foreigner took away our car and that aluminum plate." Lao Li lowered his voice and asked Xiao Liu for fear of being heard by the other party.


"It should not be possible, after all, we have not found obvious rut marks around us." Xiao Liu replied with a low voice like Lao Li.

"Hey, friend, what are you carrying." Just as Lao Li and Xiao Liu were whispering, the silent Frenchman who had been leading the way suddenly asked.

"aluminum plate" Xiao Liu answered without thinking.

"Aluminum?" the Frenchman suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked with a shocked look.

saw the expression of the French, Xiao Liu Caifa should come over and say the wrong thing, but now it is useless.

to be continued......

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